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FatPipe XTREME provides the ideal solution for companies that want the highest levels of WAN redundancy, reliability and speed for Internet connections for IP traffic directed from the network to the Internet. It is a high-speed WAN Edge clustering device powered by FatPipe patented Redundant Array of Internet Lines(RAIL) with capabilities of aggregating, load-balancing and seamless failover of any combination of wired and wireless lines.

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  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Solutions: Enterprises cannot afford to go down on Internet; the growth of network complexity has produced many more potential points of degradation and failure. Network outages and degradations are causing significant losses in productivity and revenue, ranging from less than 1/10th of 1% of total revenue to almost 1% of total revenue. One-third of U.S. businesses face the loss of critical data or operational capability in the wake of a disaster, unless investments toward disaster preparedness planning are made.
    Fapipe XTREME resolves all these challenges of downtime and impaired lines to provide highest levels of network efficiency and availability.


  • Increased Speed: XTREME balances the load over the multiple paths resulting in increased speed.
  • Thin Client Technologies Support: XTREME is perfect for remote offices utilizing thin client technologies where the offices are accessing servers and programs located at a separate location via the Internet.
  • Compatibility: XTREME works with all existing hardware and applications. No BGP programming is required. FatPipe XTREME is available in 40Gbps and can support more than three DS3 connections.
  • FatPipe Access Manager: Network administrators can use FatPipe Access Manager to control Internet use.
  • Reliability: Create sa fail-safe connection that automatically re-routes information to second or third router.
"Are you ready to transform your network experience?"